6528 Vincent Topographic Map
Tax included.
Scale: 1:100 000 1cm on the map represents 1km on the ground
\nN S34.5
\nS S35
\nE E138.5
\nW E138
\nThe series generally follows the Australian standard for this scale.\nContour interval is 20 metres augmented by spot heights. \nThe series includes drainage, vegetation and man made features, such as: roads, buildings, built up areas, railways, etc
\nIncludes: Henley Beach, Port Gawler, Middle Beach, Light Beach, Grange, Point Malcolm, Semaphore, Largs Bay, Outer Harbour, Pelican Point, Delfin Island
\nN S34.5
\nS S35
\nE E138.5
\nW E138
\nThe series generally follows the Australian standard for this scale.\nContour interval is 20 metres augmented by spot heights. \nThe series includes drainage, vegetation and man made features, such as: roads, buildings, built up areas, railways, etc
\nIncludes: Henley Beach, Port Gawler, Middle Beach, Light Beach, Grange, Point Malcolm, Semaphore, Largs Bay, Outer Harbour, Pelican Point, Delfin Island