AUS605 Aus Sthrn Ocean - Heard and McDonald Islands
Tax included.
Chart Number Aus605
Title Australia Southern Ocean - Heard and McDonald Islands
Geog Location Australia
North Lat 52 36.08 S
South Lat 53 29.00 S
East Long 74 25.00 E
West Long 72 06.35 E
Scale 1:150000
Projection mercator
Pub Date 05-Sep-1997
Edition Date 18-Jul-2014
Title Australia Southern Ocean - Heard and McDonald Islands
Geog Location Australia
North Lat 52 36.08 S
South Lat 53 29.00 S
East Long 74 25.00 E
West Long 72 06.35 E
Scale 1:150000
Projection mercator
Pub Date 05-Sep-1997
Edition Date 18-Jul-2014