Flat Gen. Ref. Wall Map of Adelaide with LGA (1.6m)
Tax included.
Produced by CartoTech Services for Fullers and The Map Shop this is the ideal business map for planning territories and transportation. It emphasises both the suburbs and Local Government Areas (LGA). It covers the greater Adelaide metropolitan area.
The map comes laminated and shows:
- All roads and side roads, with named main roads
- LGAs are shown with a coloured infil
- Retail areas
- Utility and industrial areas
- Suburb index
- Suburb boundaries and postcodes
The data on which this map is based is under constant development and review. As the map is printed and laminated in house only several at at time it is easily the most up to date product of this type available.
Covers from Gawler to Sellicks Beach in one continuous strip. Mt Barker is included on the map.
Size: approx 84 x 160 cm.