Freytag & Berndt - Sweden
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Freytag & Berndt - Sweden
In addition to the clear design, the "Sweden 1:600,000" road map has a lot of additional information such as road conditions, sights, campsites and various city center maps. The extensive location index also enables quick orientation. City maps of Gothenburg, Linköping, Stockholm, Sundsvall, Umea and Uppsala; Index of places with postcodes, distances in km, double-sided; freytag & berndt car maps are available for many countries and regions worldwide.
EAN: 9783707904680
Continent: Europe
Country: Sweden
State / Province: Oslo, Norrbotten, Hedmark, Stockholms län, Viken, Østfold
Region: Lappland, Schwedische Ostseeküste, Schwedische Nordseeküste, Bottnischer Meerbusen
Places / Mountains / Lakes: Oslo, Kopenhagen, Stockholm, Abisko, Malmö, Göteborg, Uppsala, Sundsvall, Kiruna, Östersund, Linköping, Umea
In addition to the clear design, the "Sweden 1:600,000" road map has a lot of additional information such as road conditions, sights, campsites and various city center maps. The extensive location index also enables quick orientation. City maps of Gothenburg, Linköping, Stockholm, Sundsvall, Umea and Uppsala; Index of places with postcodes, distances in km, double-sided; freytag & berndt car maps are available for many countries and regions worldwide.
EAN: 9783707904680
Continent: Europe
Country: Sweden
State / Province: Oslo, Norrbotten, Hedmark, Stockholms län, Viken, Østfold
Region: Lappland, Schwedische Ostseeküste, Schwedische Nordseeküste, Bottnischer Meerbusen
Places / Mountains / Lakes: Oslo, Kopenhagen, Stockholm, Abisko, Malmö, Göteborg, Uppsala, Sundsvall, Kiruna, Östersund, Linköping, Umea