Freytag & Berndt - Ukraine & Moldova
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Freytag & Berndt - Ukraine & Moldova
In addition to the clear design, the "Ukraine - Moldova 1:1,000,000" road map shows a lot of additional information such as sights, world heritage sites and distances.
With the extensive digital location index, you can find any location quickly and easily.
Now with a digital index - call up all information quickly and conveniently on your mobile phone!
EAN: 9783707907513
Year of publication:2019
Continent: Europe
Country: Romania, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine
State / Province: Crimea, Transnistria, Donetsk
Region: Black Sea, Ostgalizien, Südosteuropa, Ostkarpaten, Bukowina, Galizien, Dnipro
Places / Mountains / Lakes: Kiew, Lemberg, Tschernowitz, Chisinau, Jalta, Kursk, Krasnodar, Sevastopol, Rostov, Donetsk
In addition to the clear design, the "Ukraine - Moldova 1:1,000,000" road map shows a lot of additional information such as sights, world heritage sites and distances.
With the extensive digital location index, you can find any location quickly and easily.
Now with a digital index - call up all information quickly and conveniently on your mobile phone!
EAN: 9783707907513
Year of publication:2019
Continent: Europe
Country: Romania, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine
State / Province: Crimea, Transnistria, Donetsk
Region: Black Sea, Ostgalizien, Südosteuropa, Ostkarpaten, Bukowina, Galizien, Dnipro
Places / Mountains / Lakes: Kiew, Lemberg, Tschernowitz, Chisinau, Jalta, Kursk, Krasnodar, Sevastopol, Rostov, Donetsk