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Aus293Australia North Coast - Torres Strait - Prince of Wales Channel1:375002014-10-101219/2014
Aus294Australia - North Coast - Torres Strait - Endeavour Strait1:750002013-02-221116/2014view Approaches to Red Island Point1:10000
Aus296Australia North Coast - Torres Strait - Prince of Wales Channel to Varzvin Passage1:375002014-10-10946/2014
AUS346: Aus S-Coast - SA - Kangaroo Island (South Coast)
AUS347: Aus S-Coast - SA - Backstairs Passage to Cape Martin
AUS348: Aus S-Coast - SA/VIC - Cape Martin to Cape Nelson
AUS349 Aus Sth Coast - Vic - Cape Nelson to Port Phillip
AUS357 Aus Sth Coast - Vic - South East Point to Point Hicks
AUS367 Aus Est Coast - Qld - Swain Reefs to Penrith Island
AUS37 Aust, NW.coast, WA, Pt Nelson &Prince Frederick Harbour
AUS377 Aus- PNG - Torres Strait - Bligh Entrance to Eastern Fie
AUS391 PNG - Admiralty Islands - Nauna Island to Manus Island
AUS393 PNG - New Ireland - Tanga Islands to North Cape
AUS397 PNG - New Britain - New Ireland
AUS398 PNG - New Ireland - Tulun Islands to Tanga Islands
AUS399 Sth Pacific Ocean - Bougainville Island
AUS4 Australia, N.coast,Qld,Approaches to Weipa
AUS40 Australia, NWcoast, WA, - Yampi Sound
AUS400 Indian Ocean - Approaches to Christmas Island
AUS4060 Australasia and Adjacent Waters
AUS4070 Indian Ocean Southern Part
AUS4071 Indian Ocean Northern Part
AUS4074 Southern Ocean - Cape Darnley to Tasmania
AUS41 Australia, NW coast, WA, Plans in WA