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AUS60 Australia, NWcoast, WA,Port of Dampier (Southern Sheet)
AUS600 Aus Antarctic Territory - Approaches to Mawson
AUS601 Aus Antarctic Territory - wilkes Land - Approaches to Ca
AUS602 Aus Antarctic Territory - Approaches to Davis Anchorage
AUS603 Aus Antarctc Territory - George V Land - Approaches to C
AUS604 Sthn Ocean - Macquarie Island and Approaches
AUS605 Aus Sthrn Ocean - Heard and McDonald Islands
AUS606 Indian Ocean - Approaches to Cocos (keeling) Islands
AUS607 Indian Ocean - Cocos (Keeling) Islands South Keeling
AUS608 Indian Ocean - Christmas Island
AUS609 Sth Pacific Ocean - Norfolk Island
AUS610 Aus - Tasman Sea - Approaches to Lord Howe Island
AUS611 Aus ECoast - Coral Sea - Plans in the Coral Sea (Sheet 2
AUS612 Aus ECoast - Coral Sea - Plans in the Coral Sea (Sheet 1
AUS613 Aus ECoast - Coral Sea - Marion Reef
AUS614 Aus ECoast - Coral Sea - Diamond Passage
AUS615 Aus ECoast - Plans in the Coral Sea (Sheet 3)
AUS616 Aus ECoast - Coral Sea - Plans in the Coral Sea (Sheet 4
AUS617 Aus ECoast - Coral Sea - Plans in the Coral Sea (Sheet 5
AUS618 Aus ECoast - Coral Sea - Plans in The Coral Sea (Sheet 8
AUS63 Australia, NW Coast, WA, Mary Anne Passage
AUS64 Australia, W Coast, WA, Approaches to Onslow
AUS700 Aus NCoast - Qld - Wstrn Approaches to Torres Strait
AUS710 Aus NCoast - NT - Vanderlin Island to Cape Beatrice