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AUS714 Aus - NCoast - NT - New Year Island to Port Essington
AUS715 Aus NCoast - NT - Cape Arnhem to Cape Wessel
AUS716 Aus NCoast - NT - Gugari Rip to Cadell Strait
AUS717 Aus NCoast - NT - Cadell Strait to Cape Stewart
AUS718 Aus NCoast - NT - Cape Stewart to Cuthbert Point
AUS719 Aus NCoast - NT - Cuthbert Point to New Year Island
AUS720 Aus NCoast - NT - Van Diemen Gulf
AUS721 Aus NCoast - NT - Port Essington to Snake Bay
AUS727 Aus NWCoast - WA - Rocky Island to Eclipse Islands
AUS728 Aus NWCoast - WA - Eclipse Islands to Cape Voltaire
AUS729 Aus NWCoast - WA - Cape Voltaire to Lamarck Island
AUS73 - Australia North West Coast - Plans in Western Australia
AUS730 Aus NWCoast - WA - Lamarck Island to Degerando Island
AUS732 Aus NWCoast - WA - Hall Point to Sunday Strait
AUS733 Aus NWCoast - WA - Buccaneer Archipelago and King Sound
AUS74 Australia, W Coast, WA, Approaches to Useless Loop
AUS742 Aus NWCoast - WA - Rosemary Island to Barrow Island
AUS743 Aus NWCoast - WA - Barrow Island to Onslow
AUS744 Aus NWCoast - WA - Exmouth Gulf and Approaches
AUS745 Aus WCoast - WA - NWCape to Point Maud
AUS746 Aus WCoast - WA - Point Maud to Point Quobba
AUS752 Aus WCoast - WA - Pelsaert Island to Beagle Islands
AUS753 Aus WCoast - WA - Beagle Islands to Lancelin
AUS754 Aus WCoast - WA - Lancelin to Cape Peron